Policies & Procedures
The University Recreation staff invites you to enjoy the Intramural Sports program. We stress the importance of participation within the boundaries of good sportsmanship, as opposed to winning at all costs. All full-time students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to participate.
IM Assistants
All full-time students are encouraged to officiate major sports provided you have a general knowledge of the game rules. An Organizational meeting will be held for each major sport. A minimum of two additional trainings will be held for each major sport. Professional clinicians will conduct a training for applicable sports. Students must complete all paperwork with Student Employment before working. IM Assistants are paid bi-weekly and are provided a URec t-shirt and fleece, officials jerseys, and a Fox 40 whistle. Opportunities to officiate additional games may be available for select sports.
IMLeagues is the official software for Intramural Sports. You may log onto IMLeagues by clicking on the icon from the Intramural website. IMLeagues should be used for the following functions below plus more.
- List of IM events
- Registration Info
- Creating teams
- Joining teams
- Registering as a free agent
- League schedules
- League standings
- Playoff schedules
- Announcements
- Sport rules
- Policies and procedures
- Point standings
Currently enrolled full time University of Richmond students, faculty, and staff are eligible to compete in Intramural sports. Playing with non-eligible participants will result in forfeiture or suspensions.
- Spouses and dependents are ineligible
- Weinstein Center Community members and families are ineligible
Elligible participants may represent only one organization or team in any given sport. In this respect, men’s, women’s, and co-recreational divisions are considered different leagues. Additionally, women are permitted to play on a men’s team, however, should they decide to do so, they are ineligible to play for a women’s team in the same sport. Any player who participates for more than one team in any given sport will become immediately ineligible for the remainder of the season for that sport. The player’s team(s) will forfeit any activity in which the ineligible player participated during the 24-hour protest period. To be considered, all protests must be submitted to the Intramural Manager or Intramural Staff within 24 hours of the activity.
- Player eligibility protests must be submitted by team captains.
- Players may play for one team only per sport.
- The IM staff and officials may determine if a player(s) is ineligible and stop the game.
- Teams allowing an ineligible player to participate will receive an automatic forfeit.
- Teams allowing an illegal player to participate will forfeit the remainder of that sport and possibly all upcoming IM activities. An illegal player is a participant that is not a current UR student, faculty or staff person.
- Resources available to determine a participant’s status are Fusion, Registrar’s Office, Athletics and Human Resources.
Unrecognized Organizations
Unrecognized organizations are those that either (a) have not been formally recognized by the University, or (b) were previously recognized by University of Richmond, and lost that recognition as a result of a University and/or national organization conduct process. These organizations are inelliglble to take part in intramural sports at the University of Richmond.
For more details on unrecognized organizations, click here.
Professional and Ex-Olympians
Are ineligible to compete in the sport in which they lost amateur standing or represented their country. This also includes related sports, i.e., football/flag football. This rule is waived after five years. Any person who has, in the opinion of the University Recreation staff, participated in highly competitive regional, state, and/or international contests shall be considered ineligible for one year.
- Teams using a professional or ex-Olympian before the 5-year waiver period will forfeit all remaining games for that sport.
Varsity Athletes
Any varsity intercollegiate athlete is ineligible to participate in that sport or related sports on any intramural basis for the school year in which they competed. For the purpose of this rule, a person will be considered a varsity intercollegiate athlete if they fit into any one or more of the following groups:
- A varsity athlete is a current member of a varsity intercollegiate team.
- A varsity athlete is currently practicing as part of a varsity intercollegiate team.
- A varsity athlete has participated in or suited up for at least one scheduled contest with a varsity intercollegiate team.
- A varsity athlete is currently a red-shirt or was a red-shirt during the school year for a varsity intercollegiate team.
If there is a player in question, please contact the Intramural Manager to receive a definitive answer.
Below is a breakdown for each applicable sport.
- Soccer – Women’s Varsity Soccer players are ineligible
- 6 v 6 Soccer – Women’s Varsity Soccer players are ineligible.
- Flag Football – Varsity Football players are ineligible
- Basketball – Men’s and Women’s Varsity Basketball players are ineligible
- 3 on 3 Hoops – Men’s and Women’s Varsity Basketball players are ineligible
- Softball – Varsity Baseball players are ineligible
- Tennis – Men’s and Women’s varsity players are ineligible
- Golf – Men’s and Women’s Varsity Golfers are ineligible
- All payments need to be paid on the Weinstein Center Portal. Each participant will purchase an Annual IM Pass or pay a $5 non-refundable participation fee. To make a "team payment" you will have to contact the IM Manager at antwain.salvatto@richmond.edu and schedule to make your teams payment at the Weinstein Center.
- Each team must have a team name! Per University policy, Independent teams may not use Greek letters in their team names. Team names that are insensitive or derogatory are not allowed.
- The IMA can assist the team captain with creating a team on IMLeagues.
- Next, “instant schedule” the team on IMLeagues placing the team in a specific division playing on specific nights.
- The team captain will invite all team members to join the team. Team rosters are due the day after the captains meeting.
- Team entry is complete when all team member payments are received, and the team is approved on IMLeagues. A mandatory captains meeting will be scheduled. All team captains will receive an email 24 hours in advance for the date, location and time of the captains meeting. Captains meetings may be virtual.
- For Minor Sports, there will not be a captains meeting, therefore all captains will receive e-mails the day after entries is due and given all information.
- Schedules and rules will be covered and distributed at the captains meeting.
- Late entries will not be accepted unless it is approved by the University Recreation Intramural Manager.
Each team must have all players’ names on the team roster on IMLeagues. NOTE: A player may be added to the team at any time during the regular season but must have his/her name added to the roster before participating. A player must have played in at least one regular season game to be eligible for the playoffs. Any player not on the team roster will be ineligible to compete in the playoffs. It is the team captain’s responsibility to make sure all players are listed on the team roster located on IMLeagues.
- Any player that participates that is not on the Team Roster will be considered ineligible. That team will receive a forfeit.
Participation Fees
A $5 non-refundable participation fee is required for participants, for all sports. To make a "team payment" you will have to contact the IM Manager at antwain.salvatto@richmond.edu and schedule to make your teams payment at the Weinstein Center.
All forfeits will result in a victory for the winning team with the following scores:
- Soccer = 2-0
- Flag Football = 7-0
- Team handball = 5-0
- Basketball = 10-0
- Volleyball = 2-0
- Hockey = 2-0
- Softball = 10-0
All protests must concern player eligibility, misinterpretation or misapplication of a playing rule or intramural regulation. A protest of a misinterpreted call must be made to the official at the time of the call, or it will not be recognized. No protest based on the questioning of a judgment call of an official will be considered. Protest must be entered in writing and submitted to the Intramural Manager within 24 hours after the completion of the contest being protested. Player eligibility protest should be made to the IM staff or official either before or during the game. Players’ names should be furnished to the IM staff or official to enable the staff to make a roster check. The IM staff will assist players with completing Protest forms electronically.
- If at any time the intramural staff becomes aware of a team using an ineligible player, that team will forfeit.
- All protests must be completed within 24 hours of start of protested game.
- If a protest is upheld the game may be replayed or resumed at time of protested call.
- The team captain, IM supervisor and the IM Assistants must meet with the IM Manager.
- Final ruling will be determined the next workday.
- Upheld protests may result in a two game or a season long forfeit.
An individual who displays un-sportsman like conduct or verbal abuse toward officials, University Recreation employees, or fellow participants will be suspended as a player, coach or spectator for two consecutive games. Any team, which allows an ejected player to participate before this suspension is complete, will forfeit that game and the remainder of the season. An individual who strikes, or in the judgment of the official or Intramural staff, attempts to strike another individual shall be ejected from all intramural competition for one calendar year. Any disturbances involving more than one player from a team may result in the entire team being ejected from all intramural competition for one calendar year.
- The IM Staff is responsible for completing a Player Ejection form.
- All parties involved will meet with the IM Manager and/or Assistant Director of Sports.
- All ejected players are ineligible for all Intramural activity until the final disposition has been made.
- Regular ejections will carry a minimum 2 game suspension.
- Unsporting ejections will carry a 365-day suspension. Other departments will receive communication including Deans Offices, Center of Student Involvement, UR Police and other necessary contacts.
Point Distribution
Points are awarded to each A-League team for participation, advancement, placement, and sportsmanship. There must be at least 3 teams to constitute a league. The number of points awarded will vary depending on each category. The Points Distribution document can be found on IMLeagues. The overall winner for Men and Women will receive a Championship Banner and have a Championship Banner placed in the rafters of the Weinstein Center Gymnasium.
- Participation points are given to each team for participating and completing a regular season. Teams forfeiting out of a league will not receive points.
- Advancement Points are awarded to teams advancing to the playoffs. (Major Sports only)
- Placement Points are awarded to teams finishing in first and second place in the playoffs.
- Sportsmanship points will be awarded to qualifying teams meeting ALL 4 criteria below: (Major Sports only)
- A team member must attend the Captains meeting.
- Team Roster must be completed on IMLeagues before first game.
- A team may not have any player ejections for that sport (including spectators).
- A team may not forfeit any games for that sport.
**Only if all four criteria are met, a team will receive 25 points.
Point System
All “A” teams are eligible to compete for points. The Intramural staff will total and update the point standings throughout the year. All teams must register by the deadline dates and times to be eligible for points. Teams must register under the same team name for each sport to accumulate points.
The points are earned as follows:- Participation – 25 points awarded for all approved teams.
- Advancement – 50 points awarded to all teams that advance to the playoffs.
- Placement – 100 points awarded to the A-League Champion & 50 points awarded to the A-League Runner Up
- Sportsmanship – 25 points awarded to all qualifying teams.
The teams with the best records from each division are eligible for the playoffs. If there are two or less divisions, the top 4 teams (for two division leagues – the top 2 teams in each division) will advance. When there are more than two divisions, the divisions with 4 teams or less will advance the top team in each division. Divisions with 5 + teams will advance the top teams in each division with the team(s) with the best record(s) possibly having a bye for the first round of the playoff. The Intramural Manager has the authority to alter these numbers if time does not allow for a full playoff season.
In the event of a tie between two teams, several options are considered. First, if one of the teams involved has forfeited a regular season game, the other team (s) will get the higher seed. If neither team(s) has a forfeit, head-to-head competition will determine the higher seed. If the teams played to a tie, the plus/minus system based on all game scores during the regular season will determine the higher seed. If more than two teams are tied, teams with forfeits will be eliminated. If not, the plus/minus system will determine the higher seed.
All playoffs are single elimination tournaments. The playoff brackets are pre-determined. The brackets will vary depending on the number of teams eligible for the playoffs. Consolation games are scheduled for the Men’s and Women’s A leagues to determine third and fourth place. If both teams decide not to play the consolation game, the placement points will be divided evenly between the two teams.
Championship t-shirts are awarded to each sport’s “A”, “B”, and Women’s league champions. T-shirts will be handed out the day of the Championship game or sometime the following week. T-shirts will be given to all eligible players that are listed on the teams IMLeagues roster.
Championship posters for each sport’s “A”, “B”, and Women’s champions will be displayed on the walls in the Weinstein Center.
The overall point’s champions in the “A” division will have their names added to the historic Intramurals Champions Board in the Weinstein Center.
Any decisions concerning the cancellation of games due to inclement weather or other reasons will be made by approximately 2 hours before the first game on the day of the scheduled activity. The IM staff will make the decision to cancel games due to weather or other reasons during games already in progress. Team captains will be notified when the games will be rescheduled.