University Recreation Policies
The following rules and regulations have been established to provide a safe, well-maintained, comfortable, and socially acceptable environment. Use of the recreational facilities is considered a privilege. Acceptable rules of conduct must be observed at all times. Failure to adequately abide by these policies may result in the loss of use privileges and/or additional disciplinary actions. The following policies apply to all facilities:
General Facility Rules
- Alcohol, smoking, and tobacco products are prohibited.
- Illegal weapons are prohibited.
- Appropriate athletic footwear is required when exercising.
- Drinks in closed, re-sealable plastic containers are allowed. Glass containers are not allowed. All other drinks and food are confined to lounge areas.
- Bicycles, skateboards, roller blades, and roller skates are prohibited. Bike racks are provided.
- Animals are not allowed (except guide/aid animals).
- Signs may not be posted without prior approval. All postings must be placed on general use boards.
- Participants are responsible for any damages to the facilities.
- Do not move any equipment without prior approval. If approval has been given, all moved equipment must be returned to its original location.
- The use of all digital cameras, camcorders, cell phones, and other electrical devices capable of producing an image are prohibited in all locker rooms, restrooms, and saunas.
- Participants are expected to exhibit proper conduct and respect the rights of others. Individuals who engage in unacceptable, unsafe or irresponsible behavior may have their access to the facilities revoked, modified, and/or subjected to further university disciplinary action.
- Participation in University Recreation activities is at one’s own risk.
Dependent Child and Young Adult Policies
- Dependent members and guests under 16 years of age must enter the facility with an adult/guardian.
- An adult/guardian must remain in the facility while the dependent/minor uses the facility.
- All children must be supervised by an adult/guardian in the same activity area at all times.
- Young children should be within an arm’s length of their adult/guardian in the same area of the facility.
- Members and guests of any age are not permitted to play on fitness equipment and must use equipment as intended by the manufacturer.
Guest Policy
- All guest fees are processed at the Weinstein Center entrance on the first floor.
- All Guests must be sponsored by a Weinstein Center Member. Sponsors are individuals who have a current Weinstein Center membership (paid or free). Sponsors are responsible for their guests and must remain in the Weinstein Center with their guests at all times during the visit.
- In addition to the daily guest pass option, we have added a weekly guest pass (7 consecutive days) to better accommodate members who have guests visiting.
- University of Richmond part-time students and part-time employees can self-sponsor with a valid UR ID card.
- University departments can sponsor their guests by completing a request form 7 day(s) in advance.
- University of Richmond alumni can self-sponsor by providing graduation year. Alumni status will be verified.
Guest Rates:
- Daily:
- $10
- $5 (with current University ID)
- Weekly (7 consecutive days):
- $50
- $25 (with current University ID)
All Guest must present a photo ID with payment.On your first visit:
- You will present your photo ID
- You will complete the guest form
- Your sponsor will sign the guest liability form
- You will pay your guest fee (all guest fees are processed at the Weinstein Center entrance on the first floor)
- You will get your picture taken
On return visits:
- You will present your photo ID
- If your sponsor has changed, your new sponsor will sign a new guest liability form
- You will pay your guest fee
University Recreation strives to offer an inclusive and welcoming environment with facilities and programs that are accessible to the entire Spider community (students, faculty, staff, officials, community members, spectators, and coaches). We believe that everyone should have equal access to our facilities and programs and fully support the University’s Policy Prohibiting Discrimination: The University of Richmond prohibits discrimination and harassment against applicants, students, faculty or staff on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, ethnicity, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, military or veteran status, or any classification protected by local, state or federal law. Should there be a bias incident to occur in a Recreational Facility or Program we encourage it be reported to the Bias Resource Team.
Fitness Center
- Appropriate athletic footwear and a shirt must be worn when exercising.
- Open toed shoes are not permitted when exercising.
- Please wipe down all equipment after use.
- All weights must remain in their designated areas and be returned to their designated racks/posts after use.
- Do not drop weights at any time.
- Weight stations may not be altered in any method inconsistent with their design or intent.
- Safety collars are strongly encouraged. Please use a spotter when necessary.
- Do not lean weights against pillars, equipment, or mirrors.
- No profanity.
- Chalk is not permitted.
Lost and Found Policy
The Weinstein Center for Recreation is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. If an item is turned in at the Member Services desk, a staff member will log and store the item for a period of thirty calendar days from the date it was received. Wallets, credit cards, and other related items will be forwarded to University Police. Inquiries regarding this policy should be forwarded to the Manager, Member Services.
Locker Room
- Secure all belongings.
- See Member Services to reserve a locker.
- Daily Lockers are available in all Locker Rooms. Please bring your own lock.
- All locks must be removed after each use.
- If not emptied, staff will remove locks and belongings from Daily Lockers each evening.
- Due to the high demand for lockers, participants not using the facility on a regular basis may be asked to relinquish their locker to accommodate others on the waiting list.
- The use of all digital cameras, camcorders, cell phones, and other electrical devices capable of producing an image are prohibited in all locker rooms, restrooms, and saunas.
- Appropriate athletic footwear and a shirt must be worn when exercising.
- No open-toed or hard-soled shoes are allowed on playing surfaces.
- No pulling, tugging, or hanging on the rims.
- Only inflatable balls are allowed. No hard balls are allowed.
- Please ask staff for assistance with divider curtains, baskets, or volleyball equipment.
- Do not move any equipment without prior approval from the University Recreation staff.
- Patrons must abide by all policies set forth by University Recreation. Such policies may include, but are not limited to, regulations regarding equipment that is prohibited due to potential damage to floor and walls, court assignments, or appropriate attire.
- No person or groups may use the pool without the presence of a University of Richmond swim coach or approved University Recreation lifeguard.
- Participants must be at least 16 years of age or accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian.
- Participants are encouraged to shower before entering the pool.
- Circle swimming may be required during busy times.
- Children and youth are permitted to participate in activities in deep water, provided they can swim adequately. Individuals of any age who appear to lack adequate swimming skills may be required, by a lifeguard, to pass the following skills test to enter a deep water pool—Swim successfully for 25 yards without stopping, and tread water for one minute.
- If the child can swim, the adult parent/guardian must be at the poolside. If the child cannot swim, the adult parent/guardian must be in the water.
- No running, rough play, shoving, or general horseplay allowed.
- No hanging, sitting, tugging or pulling on the lane lines are allowed.
- No floatation devices are allowed unless prior approval is granted by Recreation and Wellness.
- Participants are not allowed to use the diving blocks.
- No diving is allowed in the shallow end of the pool.
- Children not potty trained must wear plastic pants or swim diapers.
- No gum is permitted in the pool area.
- Patrons must abide by all policies set forth by the lifeguards. Such policies may include, but are not limited to, regulations regarding specific lane assignments, pool safety requirements or aquatic equipment usage, and appropriate attire.
Outdoor Sports Complex
The following rules and regulations have been established to provide a safe, well-maintained, comfortable and socially acceptable environment. Use of recreational facilities is considered a
privilege. Acceptable rules of conduct must be observed at all times. Failure to adequately abide by these policies may result in the loss of use privileges and/or additional disciplinary/monetary actions.- Possession and use of alcohol is prohibited without pre-approval.
- Illegal weapons and fire arms are prohibited on the intramural fields at all times.
- Motor vehicles are prohibited on the intramural fields without pre-approval.
- Do not mark on fields or install structures/stakes without permission.
- Golf is prohibited on the intramural fields without pre-approval.
- Participants are responsible for any damages to the facilities and equipment along with proper disposal of trash.
- Participation is at one’s own risk.
- Participants are expected to exhibit proper conduct and respect the rights of others. Individuals who engage in unacceptable, unsafe or irresponsible behavior may have their access to the facilities revoked, modified and/or subjected to further university disciplinary action.
Racquetball and Squash Courts
- Courts are available during Weinstein Center operational hours.
- Courts are for racquetball and squash only. Courts may not be used for other activities without proper authorization.
- Reservations are made in person or over the phone on the day of the reservation only.
- One court may be reserved per person. Reservations are valid for one hour.
- Reservations are honored for a maximum of ten minutes. After this ten-minute grace period, the reservation is lost and anyone may use the court.
- Eye goggles are strongly recommended.
- No hard-soled shoes are allowed. Shoes designed specifically for court use are recommended.
Pickleball Courts
- No private instructions or classes are allowed without written permission.
- Courts are for pickleball only. Courts may not be used for other activities without proper authorization.
- Sitting on, pushing, or pulling on nets is prohibited.
- Participants are responsible for any damage to the facilities and equipment along with proper disposal of trash.
- No hard-soled shoes are allowed. Shoes designed specifically for pickleball use are recommended.
- Possession and use of alcohol is prohibited without pre-approval
- Illegal weapons and fires are prohibited on the pickleball courts at all times.
- Motor vehicles are prohibited on pickleball courts without pre-approval.
- Bicycles, skateboards, roller blades, and roller skates are prohibited.
- Participation is at one’s own risk.
- Participants are expected to exhibit proper conduct and respect the rights of others. Individuals who engage in unacceptable, unsafe, or irresponsible behavior may have their access to the facilities revoked, modified and/or subjected to further University disciplinary action.
WC Tennis Courts
- Organized activity occurring on the Tennis Courts must be approved and supervised by the Department of University Recreation. For information on reserving court space please contact (804) 289-8361.
- No private instructions or classes are allowed without written permission from the Department of University Recreation.
- Courts are for tennis only. Courts may not be used for other activities without proper authorization.
- Sitting, pushing or pulling on tennis nets is prohibited.
- Participants are responsible for any damage to the facilities and equipment along with proper disposal of trash.
- No hard-soled shoes are allowed. Shoes designed specifically for tennis court use are recommended.
- Possession and use of alcohol is prohibited without pre-approval.
- Illegal weapons and fires are prohibited on the Tennis Courts at all times.
- Motor vehicles are prohibited on Tennis Courts without pre-approval.
- Participation is at one’s own risk.
- Participants are expected to exhibit proper conduct and respect the rights of others. Individuals who engage in unacceptable, unsafe or irresponsible behavior may have their access to the facilities revoked, modified and/or subjected to further University disciplinary action.
No Independent Personal Training Policy
Only individuals employed by the department of University Recreatin may conduct training in any University of Richmond campus facility. Training is defined by any of the following:
- Leading an individual through a designated workout.
- Providing one-on-one exercise instruction and education.
- Prescribing a program for another individual.
- Verbally or visually promoting a training company.
- Receiving payment for exercise or sports performance guidance, including payment of guest fee
Anyone suspected of acting as a trainer by exhibiting any of the above behaviors will be questioned and informed of the departmental policies. Any individual acting as a trainer, as defined above, who is not employed by the department of University Recreation at the University of Richmond will be asked to discontinue the session immediately. If the individual fails to comply with the request, all membership and guest privileges may be suspended or revoked for the individual(s) in question and client(s) involved.