Officer Information
Please direct additional officer questions to sportclubs@richmond.edu.
How do I schedule home competitions?
Requests to host a home competition are due at least 3 weeks before the event (including “home” games that are not held on campus).
To reserve space for a home competition on campus go to EMS.
Choose the “Schedule a Sport Club Competition” template and submit the requested information. You can skip the section on “Services” unless you intend to provide food.
Reach out to the Assistant Director if you can’t see that template on EMS.
Need help? Click here for more information.
How do I schedule an away competition?
Requests to travel to a competition are due at least 2 weeks before the event. To submit a request to travel you will need to log-in to Lucid Travel and complete the “Travel Request Form” – found under Itinerary Forms (NOT an Event Form). Your club’s direct Lucid Links are listed below. Do NOT create a new profile for your club. Use the link provided and “Join” your club so you will have access to the Travel Request Form.
Sport Club & "Join" Link
Richmond Club Badminton
Richmond Club Baseball
Richmond Club Basketball M
Richmond Club Basketball W
Richmond Club Climbing
Richmond Club Crew
Richmond Club Equestrian
Richmond Club Field Hockey
Richmond Club Golf
Richmond Club Ice Hockey
Richmond Club Lacrosse M
Richmond Club Lacrosse W
Richmond Club Martial Arts
Richmond Club Rugby M
Richmond Club Rugby W
Richmond Club Soccer M
Richmond Club Soccer W
Richmond Club Spikeball
Richmond Club Squash
Richmond Club Swim
Richmond Club Synchronized Swimming
Richmond Club Tennis
Richmond Club Track and Field
Richmond Club Ultimate M
Richmond Club Ultimate W
Richmond Club Volleyball M
Richmond Club Volleyball W
Richmond Club Water Polo
Need Help? Click here for more information.
What important dates/deadlines do I need to be aware of as a sport club officer?
Annual Deadlines
Fall Officer Training- August 25: 1pm – 4 pm, Weinstein Center/Robins Center
Meets once a month - Sport Club Executive Council Meetings.
First Tuesday of each Month - Sport Club Council Meetings
First Week of October – Complete Renewal Process Due (all forms submitted and training complete).
October 16 – Spring Practice Facility Requests Due.
First Friday in December – All Equipment and Uniform Funds must be spent; coaches stipends processed (can take up to 60 days to process).
Second Week of Spring Classes - Spring Officer Training (All new officers)
End of Year Celebration – March/April
Last week of Classes– End of year officer meeting with ADSRM, Transition Form/Inventory complete and on file with University Recreation, Fall Practice Facility Request Due.
First Friday in April - All remaining allocated club funds must be spent; coaches stipends processed (can take up to 60 days to process).
Last Council Meeting of Academic Year – wrap up -
What budget options do we have?
Each active club has the opportunity to tap into three different budget sources. They are:
- Sport Club Allocations: A limited budget that is awarded to active clubs that show need. These funds do NOT roll over and must be spent by their deadlines. Awarded funds could be given in any of the following three categories:
- Uniform/Equipment – can only be used for items staying in club’s inventory
- Travel – can also be used for league fees, to pay officials
- General Allocations – can be used for all the above
- Sport Club Discretionary: This is your club’s account that is made up of money you receive from dues and donations (no money from the university is provided). These funds roll over each year and are available for use towards any purchase within university guidelines. These funds can be used to buy meals, or apparel for members to keep. Once you spend these funds, they can only be replaced by collecting dues/donations.
- Sport Club Council Fund: This fund is available for any club that is in need of additional funding. Interested clubs must apply for funding by filling out the form available here. Requests must be made at least one week before the next scheduled Sport Club Council meeting.
- Sport Club Allocations: A limited budget that is awarded to active clubs that show need. These funds do NOT roll over and must be spent by their deadlines. Awarded funds could be given in any of the following three categories:
Can I get reimbursed for purchases?
As a rule, no reimbursements to students are allowed. Exceptions can be made as long as the request is made in advance. Requests must be made in writing (email preferred) and at least one week before the purchase is made (i.e. gas mileage – one week prior to travel).
Since I can’t get reimbursed, how can I make purchases?
We have several Sport Club credit cards that can be checked out for clubs to use to make purchases or to take on road trips to cover incidental costs so you don’t have to use your own funds. Schedule an appointment with Hanan Sadek to check out a card. Receipts MUST be submitted to Hanan as soon as possible after the purchase has been made. Club credit cards can NOT be used to purchase gas UNLESS you are driving a university vehicle. Any club that does not return the credit card in a timely manner, fails to submit receipts, or uses the card for unauthorized purchases, will lose the privilege of checking out a card.
Can a club design their own apparel/uniforms?
Yes, but ALL designs MUST be approved in advance by the Assistant Director. Any purchases made without prior approval will not be allowed and the club will have to reorder new items at their own expense. Check out the Sport Club Marketing Document for a list of approved vendors to use when ordering equipment/apparel.
Who are the approved vendors for the University of Richmond that I can order apparel/uniforms from?
The approved vendors can be found in the Approved Vendors document located here.
If our club wants to buy apparel or equipment, can we keep it?
Yes, but only if you use personal or club discretionary funds to pay for it. University funds are not allowed to be used to purchase apparel/equipment that won’t stay in inventory. Any logo or designs must still get approved by the Assistant Director before a purchase is made.
How do I update our club page on the website?
Send any requested changes to the Assistant Director and they will get the changes made for you.
How do we collect dues?
Just sent an email to the Assistant Director with the amount you want to charge and they will set it up in the app for your members to pay online through the Recreation Services Portal. Dues are only collected through the portal. No cash or checks are accepted (unless approved in advance by the Assistant Director).
How do we access the portal to pay dues?
Log into the Recreation Services Portal, then choose “Sport Clubs” from the column on the left and then select your club.